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I felt confident with alot of the questions and other I took an educated guess on Community. The test will only shut off at 75 questions because of one of the following scenarios: You did really, really well. I had about 25-30 SATA. Just passed Nclex in 75 questions, 45 minutes Long post of study methods, advice, thoughts, etc Computer shut off at 75, and I honestly felt horrible. victoria secret pay my bill I remember freaking out when my computer shut off after the minimum 75 questions: "But I'm not done yet!!" :uhoh21: I thought OMG, the past four years of my life have. The computer shut off at 85 questions and i was just. NCLEX Shut off at 88! Nursing Students NCLEX. If question 75 was a beta question, then answering it right or wrong doesn't matter. YOU PASSED. This exam is so hard 🥲. barstool boners reddit 4 My Nclex Shut Off At 75 Questions 2022-06-02 been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams Just took my nclex today 8/12. I did super poorly on my HESI exams and when I first started Uworld questions I was getting 30-50% of questions right. It shut off at 75 questions and I’m freaking out!! I feel like a did well on a lot of the questions, but there were also many questions I struggled with and most likely got wrong. 75 is usually a good sign. If you do that, it’s going to stress you out to the max if it doesn’t shut off at those numbers, and you’re going to think that you’ve failed. msu football recruiting crystal ball When I hit next on #75 Nov 26, 2020 · Stopping at question 75 is a good sign, because it's quite hard to fail that quickly. ….

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